Table of Specification
A table of specification (ToS) is the technical term given to the plan for writing items for a test. A table of specification should reflect what has been taught in the instructional sequence. In other words, the testing mode is a mirror of the instructional mode. Since instructional mode has basically two dimensions - content matter and intellectual process, the ToS should likewise reflect both content and process. By process we mean the intellectual level with which the student engage a specific content or unit of information. We can use the categories of Bloom's taxonomy to help define the process.
Here is a video about Table of Specification from Nebraska Institute of Education.
Table of Specifications
Using Bloom’s Revised
Instructions: Look at the first question on your
test. First determine which of your objectives it is correlated with. Second,
look at the verb in the question to determine which level of the taxonomy it is
correlated with. Put the number of the question in the box that corresponds to
the correct objective and level. Complete this process for each question on
your test.
Objective 1:
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
Objective 4:
Knowledge – remembering facts, terms, definitions, and concepts. What?, list, name, define, describe.
Comprehension – understanding the meaning of material. Explain, interpret, summarize, give examples, predict, translate.
Application – selecting a concept or skill and using it to solve a problem. Compute, solve, apply, modify, construct.
Analysis – breaking material down into its parts and explaining the hierarchical relations. How does … apply?, work?, relate to?
Synthesis – producing something original after having broken the material down into its component parts.
How do the data support ? How would you design an experiment that investigates ...What predictions can you make based upon the data?
Evaluation – making a judgment based upon a pre-established set of criteria. What judgments can you make about …? Compare and contrast … criteria for … ?
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