Guidelines for developing multiple-choice items
5. Have ONLY one correct answer.
Make certain that the item has one correct answer. Multiple-choice items usually have at least three incorrect options (distractors).
1. General Strategies
- Write questions throughout the term.
Multiple-choice question exams are challenging and time-consuming to
create. You will find it easier if you write a few questions each week,
perhaps after a lecture when the course material is still fresh in your
- Instruct students to select the “best answer” rather than the “correct answer”. By doing this, you acknowledge the fact that the distractors may have an element of truth to them and discourage arguments from students who may argue that their answer is correct as well.
2. Tips for Creating MCQ
If you choose a header to introduce a question,
say "Choose the best answer." rather than "Choose the correct answer"
because these are often exceptions.
1. Use either the "correct answer" or "best answer" format
Correct answer: key response is clearly right and distractors are clearly wrong
Best answer: while distractors can be relatively viable, the key response is clearly demonstrated to fulfill all conditions of the test item. Best answer should avoid "none of the above," "both a. and e. above," "all of the above," options.
Correct answer: key response is clearly right and distractors are clearly wrong
Best answer: while distractors can be relatively viable, the key response is clearly demonstrated to fulfill all conditions of the test item. Best answer should avoid "none of the above," "both a. and e. above," "all of the above," options.
2. Additional Tips for Creating MCQs
Include only one correct or best answer – don’t have
multiple correct answers that students can choose from
Here are other sites that state that they can either use "correct" or "best" answer in multiple choice questions:
After reading a lot of literatures about multiple
choice, it's very hard to choose between "best" and "correct" answer. I
think it depends on the teacher'choice or perception and strategy to
choose between correct and best answer. Just make sure that there is
only ONE best or correct answer in the question.
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