Thursday, July 19, 2012



Course Title : Assessment for Learning

Course Code : EDUC5N-LET

Course Credit : 3 units

Faculty : Harold John D. Culala


This is a 3 – unit course offered to Teacher Certificate Program of FEU. It delves on the different types of evaluation procedures and instruments used in teaching. It includes the discussion of traditional and non-traditional models in assessing learning outcomes. Students are expected to produce prototype non-traditional evaluation instruments.


Upon completion of the course, you should be able to:

  1. Gain in depth understanding of the basic concepts on principles of measurement, assessment and evaluation.
  2. Construct an objective type of test measuring H.O.T.S., performance based test and Rubrics.
  3. Calculate and apply descriptive statistics for analyzing, interpreting and reporting assessment data.
  4. Define the different types of reliability and validity and describe how they are used to evaluate aspects of a test or testing procedures.
  5. Construct a computerized item analysis on a secondary test.


  1. Written Outputs and Class Participation through ONLINE DISCUSSION
    1. These are indicated in the course guide or as agreed upon in class
    2. Critiquing of papers on course related research / journal articles
    3. Class participation refers to your attendance and input during class discussions. Reacting to group reports and asking valuable questions will merit significant points in this component of the grade.
  2. Oral presentation and group’s written report
    1. These will be rated using a scoring rubric which will be designed collaboratively by everyone
  3. Portfolio

The portfolio contains the following:

    1. A scoring rubric in rating performance based test (to be developed by the group)
    2. A cognitive instrument that includes all drafts from initial to final version, table of specifications, computer generated item analysis report, revisions and their bases, recommendation.
    3. The cognitive test must comprise multiple choice and open- ended items and must measure HOTS
    4. Individual reflective journals about the group work
    5. Individual reflective journals about the course, classmates and teacher
    6. Other inputs relative to the course

(Note: The portfolio will be rated using a rubric.)

  1. Quizzes, Assignments
  2. Major Examinations (Preliminary, Midterm and Final)

GRADE Score (%)

1.0 100 – 95

1.25 94 – 90

1.50 89 – 86

1.75 85 – 82

2.0 81 – 78

2.25 77 – 74

2.50 73 – 70

2.75 69 – 65

3.0 64 – 60

F 59 – below


1st Preliminary Period

  1. Testing, Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation: Its Concepts, Principles and Processes

· Purpose of Evaluation

· Formative and Summative Evaluation

· Functions of Achievement tests

· Kinds of Achievement tests

· Principles of High Quality Assessment

· Role of Measurement and Assessment in Teaching

  1. Criterion and Norm – Referenced Interpretation
  2. Instructional Goals and Objectives: Basis for Assessment

· Classification of Learning Outcomes

· Categories of Learning Outcomes

· Components and Selection of Instructional Objectives

· Conveying Instructional Objectives to Students

· Goals versus Instructional Objectives

  1. Validity
  2. Reliability

2nd Preliminary Period

  1. Types of Classroom Tests

· Essay Items

· Multiple Choice Items

· Alternate – Choice Items: True-False Type and Other Variations

· Matching Type Items

  1. Modes of Assessment: Development, Scoring and Validation

· Traditional Assessment

· Performance Based Assessment

§ Rubrics

· Portfolio Assessment

· Affective Assessment

§ Likert Scales

§ Rating Scales

§ Semantic Differential Scales

§ Checklist

§ Ranking

§ Alternative Response

  1. Item Analysis
  2. Statistical Tools in Establishing Different Types of Validity and Reliability

Final Period

  1. Alternative Assessment Techniques

· Observational Techniques and Oral questions

§ Anecdotal Records

§ Peer Appraisal

§ Attitude Measurement

§ Interest Inventories

§ Personality Measures

  1. Special Topics for the Assessment Process

· Describing and Interpreting Scores

§ Different Statistical Tools to Describe and Interpret Scores of Students

· Grading and Reporting Systems of Student Performance

· Current Trends and Issues in Testing and Assessment

· Code of Professional Responsibilities in Educational Measurement


Diamond, Robert M. (1998) Designing and Assessing Course Curricula.

California, USA. Josey-Bass, Inc.

Raagas, Ester L. (2006) Assessment & Evaluation of Student Learning: Concepts & Applications.

CDO, Phils. Iwag Printing and Publishing

Ebel, R. L., et. Al. Essentials of Educational Measurement.

New Jersey, USA, Prentice Hall, Inc. 1986

1 comment:

  1. Would like to buy the book of Raagas. Would you kindly help me about it? Thanks
